The Best Places To See In Northern Cyprus

24 November, 2009
Lambousa Fish Tanks

Lambousa, City site and Roman period fish tanks

Continuing westwards from Kyrenia, pass the turning to the left signposted Alsancak, soon on the right there is a sign for the Mare Monte Hotel. At present this hotel is closed and undergoing restoration, however the drive to the hotel […]
6 January, 2010

Lefkara Lace

Lefkara Lace Although I have headed this article Lefkara Lace, there is a lot more to the lace industry than that made on the island of Cyprus. Just the mention of the word lace will probably conjure up a vision […]
26 October, 2009
lus house

The Lusignan House

This is probably the most beautiful of the restored houses in the area adjacent to the Selimiye mosque and it can be found in the street that passes the Haydar Pasha mosque. Dating from the Lusignan period the house has […]
26 October, 2009
armenian quarter

The Armenian Quarter

From the Dervish Pasha Konak, turn right from the front door and you will be in the thoroughfare that was once called Victoria Street (Salahi Sevket Sokak). This was the main road through the predominantly Armenian quarter until 1964, when […]
31 March, 2010
Carmelite Church

North Cyprus – Destination Famagusta!

Of the two main holiday destinations in North Cyprus, Famagusta and the surrounding area come second in popularity to Kyrenia. But it was not always so. Prior to the partition of the island in 1974, Famagusta was one of the […]
25 October, 2009


Formerly called Trikomo, this village is inhabited by Turkish Cypriots from the Turkish quarter of Larnaca. Iskele means jetty and when the Turkish Cypriots moved north after partition, they brought the name of their district with them. The village is […]
26 October, 2009
Enkomi Ruins


The remains of this copper producing city were first discovered in 1896, but as the first excavations produced evidence of burials, it was thought that this was just an extension of the Salamis necropolis. In the 1930’s it was excavated […]
3 March, 2010

North Cyprus – Destination Kyrenia!

Taking the geographical space of North Cyprus as a whole it can easily be divided into four areas that are the most attractive as holiday destinations. The major resorts of Kyrenia and Famagusta are the most popular and for the […]
3 December, 2009
Carob Warehouses

Carob Warehouses

Like sentinels along the Cyprus shore, stand the slowly crumbling relics of a wealthy past. These are the remnants of an ancient trade that once helped make Cyprus very rich. Dotted along the coastline, now abandoned and neglected, stand carob […]
25 October, 2009

Bellapais Abbey

Bellapais Abbey | Kyrenia The Abbey of Bellapais has drawn visitors to the island of Cyprus since medieval times when the abbey was built. From the pilgrims who trod the ancient paths in search of a miracle through to the […]