The Best Places To See In Northern Cyprus

26 October, 2009
Buffavento Castle

Buffavento Castle

 As the name implies, this castle is buffeted by the winds, and standing at 3,100 feet it is the highest and most inaccessible of the three castles. To get there, take the turning that is signposted at the top of […]
25 October, 2009

Djamboulat Bastion

This bastion is adjacent to the modern entrance to the harbour, it is named after the Commander of the Ottoman forces who succeeded in effecting a successful entry into the city by riding his horse into the whirling wheel that […]
25 October, 2009

The Land Gate and Ravelin

The Land Gate and Ravelin | Famagusta The land gate is probably as old a building within the city as the citadel, though the current bridge and gateway entrance are relatively modern. The road now passes through one of the […]
15 March, 2010
Golden Beach

North Cyprus – Destination Karpaz!

No holiday to North Cyprus can be complete without a visit to the Karpaz Peninsula, this is the Cyprus of old, a land almost unspoilt by the savage hand of modern development, where Mother Nature still holds the reins of […]
26 October, 2009
Kantara Castle

Kantara Castle

There are many different routes to his castle, all of them involve easy, if slow, drives up the mountain roads to the village of Kantara and from there follow the signs. The documented history of Kantara coincides with that of […]
4 November, 2009
5 fingers

Five Finger Mountains

Called Pentadactylos in Greek. Beshparmak in Turkish, and Five Fingers in English. These are the three names by which the mountain range, that runs parallel to the north coast, are known, and there is one particular part of the range […]
25 October, 2009

The Karpaz Peninsula

The Karpaz Peninsula | North Cyprus There are still areas of Cyprus that have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years. Only the passage of time has left tell-tale marks upon the terrain and the shoreline. The wind has bent […]
25 October, 2009

Othello’s Tower

The fortress that guards the harbour and is now called Othello’s Tower, was built during the Lusignan period in the 14th C, and it may well have been a residence for members of the royal family or their entourage during […]
6 January, 2010

Lefkara Lace

Lefkara Lace Although I have headed this article Lefkara Lace, there is a lot more to the lace industry than that made on the island of Cyprus. Just the mention of the word lace will probably conjure up a vision […]
25 October, 2009

St. George of the Latins

St. George of the Latins | Famagusta This delightful, small, single aisle church is very close to Othello’s Tower and represents the essence of clean, simple gothic design. Much ruined now, it still retains many features that are fine examples […]