The Best Places To See In Northern Cyprus

25 October, 2009

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia)

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia) | Famagusta The name Sophia means “divine wisdom” and this great Gothic building erected during the Lusignan period was to be the most important church on the island. The foundation stone was laid […]
26 October, 2009
Kantara Castle

Kantara Castle

There are many different routes to his castle, all of them involve easy, if slow, drives up the mountain roads to the village of Kantara and from there follow the signs. The documented history of Kantara coincides with that of […]
25 October, 2009

St. Barnabas – Patron Saint of Cyprus

Standing on a slight rise and overlooking the huge necropolis of Salamis is the twin- domed church dedicated to St. Barnabas, patron saint of Cyprus. This church, now used as an icon museum with the ancillary monks’ cells housing an […]
3 December, 2009


Head west from Kyrenia and follow the coastal route, and you will travel through miles of unspoilt countryside before reaching the town of Guzelyurt in the centre of the citrus growing area. The name Guzelyurt means “Beautiful Place”, it is […]
22 November, 2009
Sourp Monastery

Sourp Magar Monastery

Access to this ruined monastery is from the same mountain road that leads from The Five Finger Mountain to Alevkaya. After driving for about 4 miles (6.5km) slow down and keep looking down into the valley below. The monastery buildings […]
25 October, 2009

The Shipwreck Museum

The Shipwreck Museum | Kyrenia Containing the oldest wreck ever to be raised from the sea bed, this museum provides a fascinating look at maritime trading practises of a time long before the birth of Christ. The ship was found […]
3 December, 2009
Soli Theatre


About 2 kilometres west of Lefke is the ancient city of Soli. It is not difficult to find as the white roof that covers the basilica floor can be seen from the road, but the turning is well hidden and […]
25 October, 2009

Byzantine Tombs

Byzantine Tombs | Kyrenia Opposite the Icon Museum, looking across the road to the west beneath the Perge restaurant, are tombs dating from the 4th C. There are many others is the area as this was the town necropolis. Though […]
26 October, 2009

Turtles in Northern Cyprus

Turtles in North Cyprus There are two species of turtles that nest in the sand of the Cyprus beaches, and together with other islands of the Mediterranean and the coastline of Turkey, there are conservation sites continually monitored during the […]
25 October, 2009


Aphendrika | Karpaz Clearly signposted, and about four miles from Ayios Philon along the coast road eastwards, is the group of three churches collectively called Aphendrika. This was the site of a major city in the 2nd C BC, rock cut […]