North Cyprus Articles

26 October, 2009
Cyprus Terrain Map

Welcome to North Cyprus

“You are welcome Sir, to Cyprus”  – Othello, William Shakespeare. Cyprus is an island that has inspired writers throughout the ages. From William Shakespeare who set “Othello” at a sea port in Cyprus, through to the eighteenth and nineteenth century […]

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3 March, 2010

North Cyprus – Destination Kyrenia!

Taking the geographical space of North Cyprus as a whole it can easily be divided into four areas that are the most attractive as holiday destinations. The major resorts of Kyrenia and Famagusta are the most popular and for the […]
12 April, 2010

North Cyprus – Destination – Nicosia | Lefkosha

Nicosia, the Capital of Cyprus, and the only divided city in the world is situated in the centre of the Mesaoria Plain, there is nothing of interest in the immediate vicinity, picturesque towns and villages are some miles away and […]
31 March, 2010
Carmelite Church

North Cyprus – Destination Famagusta!

Of the two main holiday destinations in North Cyprus, Famagusta and the surrounding area come second in popularity to Kyrenia. But it was not always so. Prior to the partition of the island in 1974, Famagusta was one of the […]
15 March, 2010
Golden Beach

North Cyprus – Destination Karpaz!

No holiday to North Cyprus can be complete without a visit to the Karpaz Peninsula, this is the Cyprus of old, a land almost unspoilt by the savage hand of modern development, where Mother Nature still holds the reins of […]
24 November, 2009
weather north cyprus

Weather and Climate in North Cyprus

Cyprus has a hot and dry summer, and during the hottest months of July and August the coastal areas have relatively high humidity, making the day time temperature seem much hotter than it really is. Temperatures start to rise towards […]
22 November, 2009

Temperatures and Seasons in North Cyprus

The climate of North Cyprus is typical Mediterranean with very hot dry summers and cooler winters. The average temperature in July and August can reach up to 40 Celsius and in winter months the lowest temperature tends to be around […]
22 November, 2009

Antiphonitis Monastery

Hidden away in a wooded valley approximately 4 miles (6.5km) from the village of Esentepe is the 12th C church of Antiphonitis, (Christ of the Echo). It is not difficult to find, just follow the signs from Esentepe village centre, […]
5 November, 2009
Turkish Cypriot Children

Turkish Cypriot People

The Turkish Cypriot people are well known for their hospitality and are very friendly and  welcoming. The people are warm natured and will be happy to invite you into their homes for a cup of tea or Turkish coffee and […]
25 October, 2009

St. Barnabas – Patron Saint of Cyprus

Standing on a slight rise and overlooking the huge necropolis of Salamis is the twin- domed church dedicated to St. Barnabas, patron saint of Cyprus. This church, now used as an icon museum with the ancillary monks’ cells housing an […]
4 November, 2009
5 fingers

Five Finger Mountains

Called Pentadactylos in Greek. Beshparmak in Turkish, and Five Fingers in English. These are the three names by which the mountain range, that runs parallel to the north coast, are known, and there is one particular part of the range […]
26 November, 2009

The Dream Castle Restaurant

The Dream castle in Ozankoy is a new restaurant that has been built in the design of a castle. The inside has lovely décor featuring marble flooring from Turkey. It has a large roof top terrace which has stunning  views […]
26 October, 2009
Buffavento Castle

Buffavento Castle

 As the name implies, this castle is buffeted by the winds, and standing at 3,100 feet it is the highest and most inaccessible of the three castles. To get there, take the turning that is signposted at the top of […]
15 February, 2010
almond blossom

North Cyprus Life – Spring-time !

It is self-evident that Spring-time has come very early this year. A wet and warm December gave a false message that the cold weather was over. As January began, so little shoots of green started to appear on the trees […]
26 October, 2009

Turtles in Northern Cyprus

Turtles in North Cyprus There are two species of turtles that nest in the sand of the Cyprus beaches, and together with other islands of the Mediterranean and the coastline of Turkey, there are conservation sites continually monitored during the […]
25 October, 2009

Folk Art Museum

Folk Art Museum | Kyrenia The main entrance to the Folk Art Museum is from the harbour. Formerly a granary or carob store it was owned by Lady Loch, a well known Cyprus benefactor, and donated to the Antiquities department […]