North Cyprus History

25 October, 2009

Othello’s Tower

The fortress that guards the harbour and is now called Othello’s Tower, was built during the Lusignan period in the 14th C, and it may well have been a residence for members of the royal family or their entourage during […]
26 October, 2009
Bath houses

Bath House Complex

Adjacent to the ticket office, the bath houses are the most visited part of the site. There is the central gymnasium or exercise ground that is surrounded by marble columns. These columns were not originally part of the gymnasium and […]
22 November, 2009
Kantara Castle

The Mountain Castles

North Cyprus is blessed with three castles built high upon the ridge of the Kyrenia mountains, each has something different to offer, and two of them involve steep climbs. St. Hilarion, high above Kyrenia, and Buffavento, some six miles east […]
26 October, 2009

History of Northern Cyprus

Cyprus is an island that has been inhabited for over 9,000 years, from the Neolithic Stone Age to the civilised 21st century, mankind has walked this fertile land. Early settlers most probably came from nearby countries, with Turkey only 40  […]
3 December, 2009
Mamas Church

Church of St. Mamas

Unless approaching Guzelyurt from the Nicosia road, it is impossible to miss this church as it is built at a central point where roads converge. Constructed during the 18th C AD, on the site of an early Byzantine church, this […]
26 October, 2009

Kampanopetra Basilica

There is a track from the Temple of Zeus that leads towards the sea and the site of the Kampanopetra basilica or Harbour basilica. This is a serenely peaceful, and probably the most alluring, part of Salamis. Its attraction lies […]
25 October, 2009

Byzantine Tombs

Byzantine Tombs | Kyrenia Opposite the Icon Museum, looking across the road to the west beneath the Perge restaurant, are tombs dating from the 4th C. There are many others is the area as this was the town necropolis. Though […]
25 October, 2009

The Shipwreck Museum

The Shipwreck Museum | Kyrenia Containing the oldest wreck ever to be raised from the sea bed, this museum provides a fascinating look at maritime trading practises of a time long before the birth of Christ. The ship was found […]
25 October, 2009


Dipkarpaz | North Cyprus This village is the centre of the Karpaz peninsula, it is here that a mixed community lives side by side just as they have done for hundreds of years. When the island divided in 1974 the […]
25 October, 2009

Djamboulat Bastion

This bastion is adjacent to the modern entrance to the harbour, it is named after the Commander of the Ottoman forces who succeeded in effecting a successful entry into the city by riding his horse into the whirling wheel that […]