North Cyprus History

6 January, 2010

Lefkara Lace

Lefkara Lace Although I have headed this article Lefkara Lace, there is a lot more to the lace industry than that made on the island of Cyprus. Just the mention of the word lace will probably conjure up a vision […]
22 November, 2009


The religion of North Cyprus is predominantly Muslim though the Turkish Cypriots are not particularly zealous in the pursuit of their religion. There are very few covered women here and those that are will usually be from Turkey. On an […]
25 October, 2009

The Twin Churches of the Templars and Hospitallers

The Twin Churches of the Templars and Hospitallers | Famagusta Close to the main square are the two 14th C churches that have undergone several periods of refurbishment yet for the most part stay resolutely closed. The interiors have little […]
26 October, 2009

Ayios Epiphanios Basilica

Ayios Epiphanios Basilica There is tarmac road leading from the rear of the theatre that forks left and right. Take the left fork and follow the road passing a villa with visible bath and furnace area on the left, until […]
25 October, 2009

Bellapais Abbey

Bellapais Abbey | Kyrenia The Abbey of Bellapais has drawn visitors to the island of Cyprus since medieval times when the abbey was built. From the pilgrims who trod the ancient paths in search of a miracle through to the […]
25 October, 2009

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia)

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia) | Famagusta The name Sophia means “divine wisdom” and this great Gothic building erected during the Lusignan period was to be the most important church on the island. The foundation stone was laid […]
25 October, 2009

Ayios Philon

Ayios Philon | Karpaz Follow the signs marked “Oasis at Ay Philon” from Dipkarpaz and the route twists through the village eventually emerging above the north coast. Below on the shore can be seen the ruins of the 12thC church […]
25 October, 2009

The Mevlevi Tekke (Whirling Dervish Museum)

The Mevlevi Tekke (Whirling Dervish Museum) | Nicosia Entering the city through the Girne Kapisi (Kyrenia Gate), the Mevlevi tekke museum is fifty metres on the left. A tekke is a religious base, and this 17th C building was the […]
25 October, 2009


Famagusta | North Cyprus Originally called Ammochostos (hidden in the sand), the town’s origin dates from about 275BC when it was settled by people from Egypt. The population increased and the port was established as the harbour of Salamis silted […]
26 October, 2009
Enkomi Ruins


The remains of this copper producing city were first discovered in 1896, but as the first excavations produced evidence of burials, it was thought that this was just an extension of the Salamis necropolis. In the 1930’s it was excavated […]