The Best Places To See In Northern Cyprus

22 November, 2009
Sourp Monastery

Sourp Magar Monastery

Access to this ruined monastery is from the same mountain road that leads from The Five Finger Mountain to Alevkaya. After driving for about 4 miles (6.5km) slow down and keep looking down into the valley below. The monastery buildings […]
25 October, 2009

Ataturk Square

Ataturk Square | Nicosia Continuing along Girne Caddesi, it is a five minute walk to Ataturk Square, formerly Konak Square, dominated by the granite column that is topped with a bronze sphere. This column was a symbol of Venetian rule […]
25 October, 2009

Kyrenia Castle

Kyrenia Castle | Kyrenia The history of Kyrenia castle, shares its origin with the mountain castles and was built by the Byzantines for the same defensive reasons, to repel the Arab raiders of the 7th C. It is possible that […]
25 October, 2009

Bellapais Abbey

Bellapais Abbey | Kyrenia The Abbey of Bellapais has drawn visitors to the island of Cyprus since medieval times when the abbey was built. From the pilgrims who trod the ancient paths in search of a miracle through to the […]
25 October, 2009

St. Barnabas – Patron Saint of Cyprus

Standing on a slight rise and overlooking the huge necropolis of Salamis is the twin- domed church dedicated to St. Barnabas, patron saint of Cyprus. This church, now used as an icon museum with the ancillary monks’ cells housing an […]
6 May, 2010

North Cyprus – Destination Nicosia (South)

For information and history on North Nicosia – Please see Destination – Nicosia (North) If it were not for the desolate divide that bisects this city into almost equal halves, there would be little to differentiate between the two sectors. […]
26 October, 2009
St Hilarion Castle

St. Hilarion Castle

Clearly signposted from Kyrenia, this is a castle built on three distinct levels, each one designed to be self-sufficient and self-contained. Although it was not exempt from the ravages of war, and was besieged during the 13th C when an […]
25 October, 2009

Yeni Erenkoy

Yeni Erenkoy | Karpaz In Turkish, the word Yeni means new, so this village is New Erenkoy. Once the centre of the thriving and lucrative tobacco industry, it has been administered since 1974 by Turkish Cypriots from Erenkoy (Kokkina) the […]
25 October, 2009

The Twin Churches of the Templars and Hospitallers

The Twin Churches of the Templars and Hospitallers | Famagusta Close to the main square are the two 14th C churches that have undergone several periods of refurbishment yet for the most part stay resolutely closed. The interiors have little […]
3 December, 2009
Mamas Church

Church of St. Mamas

Unless approaching Guzelyurt from the Nicosia road, it is impossible to miss this church as it is built at a central point where roads converge. Constructed during the 18th C AD, on the site of an early Byzantine church, this […]