26 October, 2009
Cyprus Terrain Map

Welcome to North Cyprus

“You are welcome Sir, to Cyprus”  – Othello, William Shakespeare. Cyprus is an island that has inspired writers throughout the ages. From William Shakespeare who set “Othello” at a sea port in Cyprus, through to the eighteenth and nineteenth century […]

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22 November, 2009
Kantara Castle

The Mountain Castles

North Cyprus is blessed with three castles built high upon the ridge of the Kyrenia mountains, each has something different to offer, and two of them involve steep climbs. St. Hilarion, high above Kyrenia, and Buffavento, some six miles east […]
26 October, 2009
Kantara Castle

Kantara Castle

There are many different routes to his castle, all of them involve easy, if slow, drives up the mountain roads to the village of Kantara and from there follow the signs. The documented history of Kantara coincides with that of […]
26 October, 2009
Buffavento Castle

Buffavento Castle

 As the name implies, this castle is buffeted by the winds, and standing at 3,100 feet it is the highest and most inaccessible of the three castles. To get there, take the turning that is signposted at the top of […]