26 October, 2009
Cyprus Terrain Map

Welcome to North Cyprus

“You are welcome Sir, to Cyprus”  – Othello, William Shakespeare. Cyprus is an island that has inspired writers throughout the ages. From William Shakespeare who set “Othello” at a sea port in Cyprus, through to the eighteenth and nineteenth century […]

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26 October, 2009

The Agora and the Vouta

Very close to the Epiphanios basilica is the cathedral-like cistern that provided water for the entire city. The water was transported through an aquaduct that was 45 miles long from a spring in the Kyrenia mountain range. Of the aquaduct, […]
30 November, 2009


The partially excavated site of the ancient city of Salamis, has fascinated archaeologists for hundreds of years and it is the most important archaeological site on the whole of Cyprus. Nestling on the shoreline of Famagusta Bay, the remains of […]
25 October, 2009

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Cathedral of St. Nicholas)

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Cathedral of St. Nicholas) The most impressive edifice in Famagusta, if not the whole of Cyprus, is the beautiful gothic Catholic Cathedral built during the Lusignan period and dedicated to St. Nicholas. Constructed in the 14th […]
25 October, 2009

Church of SS Peter and Paul

Church of SS Peter and Paul | Famagusta This church, lies to the south of the palace and though closed to the public is in good repair. It was used at one time as a mosque, the remains of the […]
25 October, 2009

Djamboulat Bastion

This bastion is adjacent to the modern entrance to the harbour, it is named after the Commander of the Ottoman forces who succeeded in effecting a successful entry into the city by riding his horse into the whirling wheel that […]
22 November, 2009

Korucam (Kormakiti)

The village of Korucam can to be found nestling in a valley towards the north of Guzelyurt Bay between the villages of Camlibel and Sadrazamkoy. It was called Kormakiti before partition and many people still refer to it by that […]
3 December, 2009
Soli Theatre


About 2 kilometres west of Lefke is the ancient city of Soli. It is not difficult to find as the white roof that covers the basilica floor can be seen from the road, but the turning is well hidden and […]
3 December, 2009


Head west from Kyrenia and follow the coastal route, and you will travel through miles of unspoilt countryside before reaching the town of Guzelyurt in the centre of the citrus growing area. The name Guzelyurt means “Beautiful Place”, it is […]
3 December, 2009
Vouni Palace


The oriental style cliff-top palace of Vouni was built during Persian dominance by a pro-Persian king of Marion. The strategic position enabled the inhabitants to look down on the city of Soli and had advance warning if the Greek warriors […]
3 December, 2009
Carob Warehouses

Carob Warehouses

Like sentinels along the Cyprus shore, stand the slowly crumbling relics of a wealthy past. These are the remnants of an ancient trade that once helped make Cyprus very rich. Dotted along the coastline, now abandoned and neglected, stand carob […]