“You are welcome Sir, to Cyprus” – Othello, William Shakespeare. Cyprus is an island that has inspired writers throughout the ages. From William Shakespeare who set “Othello” at a sea port in Cyprus, through to the eighteenth and nineteenth century […]
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Adjacent to the ticket office, the bath houses are the most visited part of the site. There is the central gymnasium or exercise ground that is surrounded by marble columns. These columns were not originally part of the gymnasium and […]
Walking from the bath house complex down a paved columned street, there is a partially excavated area on the right. This is the site of the amphitheatre where excavations where abandoned in 1974. The outer walls of the theatre are […]
Close to the theatre is an area that has been excavated during the last few years by a team from Ankara University and students from the Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta. They have re-excavated the bath house and revealed a […]
There is a track from the Temple of Zeus that leads towards the sea and the site of the Kampanopetra basilica or Harbour basilica. This is a serenely peaceful, and probably the most alluring, part of Salamis. Its attraction lies […]