Lusignan Round Tower | Kyrenia Old Kyrenia was surrounded by walls with fortified towers. The best preserved of these is the only complete tower known as The Round Tower. It is on the right of the high street heading westwards […]
Walking from the bath house complex down a paved columned street, there is a partially excavated area on the right. This is the site of the amphitheatre where excavations where abandoned in 1974. The outer walls of the theatre are […]
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is that side of the island that is home to the ethnic Turkish Cypriot population. In common with most of the Mediterranean peoples, Cypriots are sunny natured and warmly welcoming. A wander through one […]
This 14th Century church built during the Lusignan period is, after the Selimiye mosque, the most impressive and beautiful piece of Gothic architecture left standing in Nicosia. It is a single aisle structure, elegantly understated in the simplicity of its […]
From the Dervish Pasha Konak, turn right from the front door and you will be in the thoroughfare that was once called Victoria Street (Salahi Sevket Sokak). This was the main road through the predominantly Armenian quarter until 1964, when […]
Nicosia, the Capital of Cyprus, and the only divided city in the world is situated in the centre of the Mesaoria Plain, there is nothing of interest in the immediate vicinity, picturesque towns and villages are some miles away and […]
The Martinengo Bastion | Famagusta Situated on the north west corner of the city this bastion is diamond shaped and was considered by the Ottoman forces to be impregnable. It is constructed on top of solid rock and maybe for […]
Ayia Trias Basilica Mosaics Look for the signs in the village that are directions for Sipahi and follow the road to the site of Ayias Trias. It is encircled by a wire fence and there should be a custodian to […]
The route to the monastery church of the Panayia Kanakaria is easy. From the main road after Kumyali look for the signs and following the directions to Ziyamet, Gelincik and Kaleburnu. After about two miles the church complex is on […]
Dipkarpaz | North Cyprus This village is the centre of the Karpaz peninsula, it is here that a mixed community lives side by side just as they have done for hundreds of years. When the island divided in 1974 the […]