The Best Places To See In Northern Cyprus

3 December, 2009
Guzelyurt Artifacts

Guzelyurt Museum of Archaeology and Natural History

The Guzelyurt museum is situated in the former ecclesiastical residence adjacent to the Church of St. Mamas. There is a small car park and it is within walking distance of the town centre. The Natural History section is on the […]
26 October, 2009
Enkomi Ruins


The remains of this copper producing city were first discovered in 1896, but as the first excavations produced evidence of burials, it was thought that this was just an extension of the Salamis necropolis. In the 1930’s it was excavated […]
25 October, 2009

Palace of the Provveditore

The Venetians, wishing to make their own mark on the palace changed the façade of the entrance, extending it outwards, building basket arches and incorporating massive granite pillars imported from the ruined city of Salamis. Over the central arch are […]
25 October, 2009

Zafer Burnu

Zafer Burnu | Karpaz Continue along the track that goes through the monastery complex and the far end of the island is only a few minutes drive away. The breeze that never fails to cool, even on the hottest day, […]
30 November, 2009


The partially excavated site of the ancient city of Salamis, has fascinated archaeologists for hundreds of years and it is the most important archaeological site on the whole of Cyprus. Nestling on the shoreline of Famagusta Bay, the remains of […]
25 October, 2009

Apostolos Andreas Monastery

From Dipkarpaz take the road that is signed for Apostolos Andreas and follow the route along the southern shore of the peninsula. There are many beaches easily accessed from this road, most of them have rudimentary changing facilities and showers, […]
25 October, 2009

The Sea Gate

This was the second of the two main entrances to the city during medieval times, giving access to travellers from the harbour. The sea gate we see today was constructed by the Venetians and was built by Nicolo Prioli in […]
25 October, 2009

The Martinengo Bastion

The Martinengo Bastion | Famagusta Situated on the north west corner of the city this bastion is diamond shaped and was considered by the Ottoman forces to be impregnable. It is constructed on top of solid rock and maybe for […]
25 October, 2009


Famagusta | North Cyprus Originally called Ammochostos (hidden in the sand), the town’s origin dates from about 275BC when it was settled by people from Egypt. The population increased and the port was established as the harbour of Salamis silted […]
25 October, 2009

Ayios Philon

Ayios Philon | Karpaz Follow the signs marked “Oasis at Ay Philon” from Dipkarpaz and the route twists through the village eventually emerging above the north coast. Below on the shore can be seen the ruins of the 12thC church […]