Yeni Erenkoy | Karpaz In Turkish, the word Yeni means new, so this village is New Erenkoy. Once the centre of the thriving and lucrative tobacco industry, it has been administered since 1974 by Turkish Cypriots from Erenkoy (Kokkina) the […]
Sultan’s Library | Nicosia At the eastern end of the Selimiye mosque, there is a paved pedestrian area where the Sultan’s Library is to be found. It is a square unprepossessing building with a domed roof and most of the […]
Nicosia, the Capital of Cyprus, and the only divided city in the world is situated in the centre of the Mesaoria Plain, there is nothing of interest in the immediate vicinity, picturesque towns and villages are some miles away and […]
Ayia Trias Basilica Mosaics Look for the signs in the village that are directions for Sipahi and follow the road to the site of Ayias Trias. It is encircled by a wire fence and there should be a custodian to […]
Folk Art Museum | Kyrenia The main entrance to the Folk Art Museum is from the harbour. Formerly a granary or carob store it was owned by Lady Loch, a well known Cyprus benefactor, and donated to the Antiquities department […]
For information and history on North Nicosia – Please see Destination – Nicosia (North) If it were not for the desolate divide that bisects this city into almost equal halves, there would be little to differentiate between the two sectors. […]
Walking from the bath house complex down a paved columned street, there is a partially excavated area on the right. This is the site of the amphitheatre where excavations where abandoned in 1974. The outer walls of the theatre are […]
The oriental style cliff-top palace of Vouni was built during Persian dominance by a pro-Persian king of Marion. The strategic position enabled the inhabitants to look down on the city of Soli and had advance warning if the Greek warriors […]
The route to the monastery church of the Panayia Kanakaria is easy. From the main road after Kumyali look for the signs and following the directions to Ziyamet, Gelincik and Kaleburnu. After about two miles the church complex is on […]
Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Cathedral of St. Nicholas) The most impressive edifice in Famagusta, if not the whole of Cyprus, is the beautiful gothic Catholic Cathedral built during the Lusignan period and dedicated to St. Nicholas. Constructed in the 14th […]