26 October, 2009
Cyprus Terrain Map

Welcome to North Cyprus

“You are welcome Sir, to Cyprus”  – Othello, William Shakespeare. Cyprus is an island that has inspired writers throughout the ages. From William Shakespeare who set “Othello” at a sea port in Cyprus, through to the eighteenth and nineteenth century […]

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4 November, 2009
5 fingers

Five Finger Mountains

Called Pentadactylos in Greek. Beshparmak in Turkish, and Five Fingers in English. These are the three names by which the mountain range, that runs parallel to the north coast, are known, and there is one particular part of the range […]
30 November, 2009
Kyrenia Harbour

Old Kyrenia and the Venetian Harbour

Kyrenia, with its picturesque harbour and adjacent castle is called the “Jewel of Cyprus”. It is, quite simply, exquisite! The town was probably founded circa tenth century BC and was one of the original city kingdoms. Its position on the […]
24 November, 2009
Lambousa Fish Tanks

Lambousa, City site and Roman period fish tanks

Continuing westwards from Kyrenia, pass the turning to the left signposted Alsancak, soon on the right there is a sign for the Mare Monte Hotel. At present this hotel is closed and undergoing restoration, however the drive to the hotel […]
26 October, 2009
Kantara Castle

Kantara Castle

There are many different routes to his castle, all of them involve easy, if slow, drives up the mountain roads to the village of Kantara and from there follow the signs. The documented history of Kantara coincides with that of […]
24 November, 2009

Karaman Village

Karaman Village | North Cyprus About 3 miles (4km) west of Kyrenia, and set high it the upper reaches of the mountain slopes looking down over Karaoglanoglu, is the picture-postcard-pretty village of Karaman. To drive to the village, take the […]
3 December, 2009
Carob Warehouses

Carob Warehouses

Like sentinels along the Cyprus shore, stand the slowly crumbling relics of a wealthy past. These are the remnants of an ancient trade that once helped make Cyprus very rich. Dotted along the coastline, now abandoned and neglected, stand carob […]
3 March, 2010

North Cyprus – Destination Kyrenia!

Taking the geographical space of North Cyprus as a whole it can easily be divided into four areas that are the most attractive as holiday destinations. The major resorts of Kyrenia and Famagusta are the most popular and for the […]
25 October, 2009

Church of Chrysopolitissa

This old church is now almost a total ruin, but it is the only church in Kyrenia of any historical interest. It is to be found in the narrow back street immediately behind the harbour almost opposite the rear entrance […]
25 October, 2009

Bellapais Village

Bellapais Village | Kyrenia Bellapais village grew up around the abbey after which it is named. Nestled in the lower slopes of the mountain range directly above the village of Ozankoy, to the east of Kyrenia, it was until 1974 […]
26 October, 2009
St Hilarion Castle

St. Hilarion Castle

Clearly signposted from Kyrenia, this is a castle built on three distinct levels, each one designed to be self-sufficient and self-contained. Although it was not exempt from the ravages of war, and was besieged during the 13th C when an […]