The Best Places To See In Northern Cyprus

25 October, 2009

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Cathedral of St. Nicholas)

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Cathedral of St. Nicholas) The most impressive edifice in Famagusta, if not the whole of Cyprus, is the beautiful gothic Catholic Cathedral built during the Lusignan period and dedicated to St. Nicholas. Constructed in the 14th […]
26 October, 2009
Bath houses

Bath House Complex

Adjacent to the ticket office, the bath houses are the most visited part of the site. There is the central gymnasium or exercise ground that is surrounded by marble columns. These columns were not originally part of the gymnasium and […]
3 December, 2009
Soli Theatre


About 2 kilometres west of Lefke is the ancient city of Soli. It is not difficult to find as the white roof that covers the basilica floor can be seen from the road, but the turning is well hidden and […]
26 October, 2009
Enkomi Ruins


The remains of this copper producing city were first discovered in 1896, but as the first excavations produced evidence of burials, it was thought that this was just an extension of the Salamis necropolis. In the 1930’s it was excavated […]
25 October, 2009

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia)

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia) | Famagusta The name Sophia means “divine wisdom” and this great Gothic building erected during the Lusignan period was to be the most important church on the island. The foundation stone was laid […]