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Close to the theatre is an area that has been excavated during the last few years by a team from Ankara University and students from the Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta. They have re-excavated the bath house and revealed a […]
The Land Gate and Ravelin | Famagusta The land gate is probably as old a building within the city as the citadel, though the current bridge and gateway entrance are relatively modern. The road now passes through one of the […]
The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia) | Famagusta The name Sophia means “divine wisdom” and this great Gothic building erected during the Lusignan period was to be the most important church on the island. The foundation stone was laid […]
This picturesque site dating from the Bronze Age (C1600 – 1050 BC) is to be found on the right side of the road between Camlibel and Yilmazkoy. Set back about 100 metres from the main road, the site is surrounded […]
Like sentinels along the Cyprus shore, stand the slowly crumbling relics of a wealthy past. These are the remnants of an ancient trade that once helped make Cyprus very rich. Dotted along the coastline, now abandoned and neglected, stand carob […]