North Cyprus History

26 October, 2009

Kampanopetra Basilica

There is a track from the Temple of Zeus that leads towards the sea and the site of the Kampanopetra basilica or Harbour basilica. This is a serenely peaceful, and probably the most alluring, part of Salamis. Its attraction lies […]
25 October, 2009


Dipkarpaz | North Cyprus This village is the centre of the Karpaz peninsula, it is here that a mixed community lives side by side just as they have done for hundreds of years. When the island divided in 1974 the […]
25 October, 2009


Formerly called Trikomo, this village is inhabited by Turkish Cypriots from the Turkish quarter of Larnaca. Iskele means jetty and when the Turkish Cypriots moved north after partition, they brought the name of their district with them. The village is […]
24 November, 2009
Turkish Cypriot Cuisine

Cypriot Cuisine

The cuisine of Cyprus has much in common with many countries of the Mediterranean with influences from most of them. Much of the food that is produced on the island is the same as that of mainland Turkey, Greece and […]
25 October, 2009

Zafer Burnu

Zafer Burnu | Karpaz Continue along the track that goes through the monastery complex and the far end of the island is only a few minutes drive away. The breeze that never fails to cool, even on the hottest day, […]
3 December, 2009
Mamas Church

Church of St. Mamas

Unless approaching Guzelyurt from the Nicosia road, it is impossible to miss this church as it is built at a central point where roads converge. Constructed during the 18th C AD, on the site of an early Byzantine church, this […]
4 November, 2009
5 fingers

Five Finger Mountains

Called Pentadactylos in Greek. Beshparmak in Turkish, and Five Fingers in English. These are the three names by which the mountain range, that runs parallel to the north coast, are known, and there is one particular part of the range […]
22 November, 2009
Sourp Monastery

Sourp Magar Monastery

Access to this ruined monastery is from the same mountain road that leads from The Five Finger Mountain to Alevkaya. After driving for about 4 miles (6.5km) slow down and keep looking down into the valley below. The monastery buildings […]
25 October, 2009

St. George of the Latins

St. George of the Latins | Famagusta This delightful, small, single aisle church is very close to Othello’s Tower and represents the essence of clean, simple gothic design. Much ruined now, it still retains many features that are fine examples […]
25 October, 2009

Ayias Trias, Sipahi

Ayia Trias Basilica Mosaics Look for the signs in the village that are directions for Sipahi and follow the road to the site of Ayias Trias. It is encircled by a wire fence and there should be a custodian to […]