North Cyprus History

25 October, 2009

The Karpaz Peninsula

The Karpaz Peninsula | North Cyprus There are still areas of Cyprus that have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years. Only the passage of time has left tell-tale marks upon the terrain and the shoreline. The wind has bent […]
25 October, 2009

St. Barnabas – Patron Saint of Cyprus

Standing on a slight rise and overlooking the huge necropolis of Salamis is the twin- domed church dedicated to St. Barnabas, patron saint of Cyprus. This church, now used as an icon museum with the ancillary monks’ cells housing an […]
25 October, 2009

Lusignan Round Tower

Lusignan Round Tower | Kyrenia Old Kyrenia was surrounded by walls with fortified towers. The best preserved of these is the only complete tower known as The Round Tower. It is on the right of the high street heading westwards […]
5 November, 2009
turkish language

Turkish Language

Turkish is spoken by over 63 million people worldwide, and originates from Ottoman Turkish, which dates back nearly 1,200 years. The Ottoman Turkish language was based mainly on Arabic and Persian, but was replaced under one of Ataturk’s reforms in 1928, […]
3 December, 2009
Soli Theatre


About 2 kilometres west of Lefke is the ancient city of Soli. It is not difficult to find as the white roof that covers the basilica floor can be seen from the road, but the turning is well hidden and […]
25 October, 2009

The Land Gate and Ravelin

The Land Gate and Ravelin | Famagusta The land gate is probably as old a building within the city as the citadel, though the current bridge and gateway entrance are relatively modern. The road now passes through one of the […]
25 October, 2009

The Sultan’s Library

Sultan’s Library | Nicosia At the eastern end of the Selimiye mosque, there is a paved pedestrian area where the Sultan’s Library is to be found. It is a square unprepossessing building with a domed roof and most of the […]
3 December, 2009
Guzelyurt Artifacts

Guzelyurt Museum of Archaeology and Natural History

The Guzelyurt museum is situated in the former ecclesiastical residence adjacent to the Church of St. Mamas. There is a small car park and it is within walking distance of the town centre. The Natural History section is on the […]
26 October, 2009
Enkomi Ruins


The remains of this copper producing city were first discovered in 1896, but as the first excavations produced evidence of burials, it was thought that this was just an extension of the Salamis necropolis. In the 1930’s it was excavated […]
22 November, 2009

Korucam (Kormakiti)

The village of Korucam can to be found nestling in a valley towards the north of Guzelyurt Bay between the villages of Camlibel and Sadrazamkoy. It was called Kormakiti before partition and many people still refer to it by that […]