Church of St. George of the Greeks
25 October, 2009
The Martinengo Bastion
25 October, 2009
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The Twin Churches of the Templars and Hospitallers

The Twin Churches of the Templars and Hospitallers | Famagusta

Close to the main square are the two 14th C churches that have undergone several periods of refurbishment yet for the most part stay resolutely closed. The interiors have little of interest and only the coats of arms over one doorway gives any hint as to the original owners. When the Order of the Templars was disbanded by Pope Clement V in 1312 the Hospitallers used both churches.

Lavinia Neville Smith
Lavinia Neville Smith
Lavinia Neville Smith first came to North Cyprus in 1995, and fell in love with the country and the Turkish Cypriot people. A self confessed dilettante, with a varied working career, it was not until she returned in 1997 and went into tourism that she was able to put to good use her knowledge of history, ancient and modern, acquired long ago at school. She is a co-author of the Landmark Visitors Guide to North Cyprus, and continues to promote this beautiful country as far afield as possible.