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3 December, 2009


Head west from Kyrenia and follow the coastal route, and you will travel through miles of unspoilt countryside before reaching the town of Guzelyurt in the centre of the citrus growing area. The name Guzelyurt means “Beautiful Place”, it is […]
25 October, 2009

The Martinengo Bastion

The Martinengo Bastion | Famagusta Situated on the north west corner of the city this bastion is diamond shaped and was considered by the Ottoman forces to be impregnable. It is constructed on top of solid rock and maybe for […]
25 October, 2009

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia)

The Selimiye Mosque (Cathedral of St. Sophia) | Famagusta The name Sophia means “divine wisdom” and this great Gothic building erected during the Lusignan period was to be the most important church on the island. The foundation stone was laid […]
25 October, 2009


Nicosia | North Cyprus The capital city of Cyprus is Nicosia, Lefkosa in Turkish, Lefkosia in Greek. It is the only divided capital city in the world and is the administrative centre for both the recognised Republic of South Cyprus […]
25 October, 2009

Kyrenia Castle

Kyrenia Castle | Kyrenia The history of Kyrenia castle, shares its origin with the mountain castles and was built by the Byzantines for the same defensive reasons, to repel the Arab raiders of the 7th C. It is possible that […]
25 October, 2009

The Land Gate and Ravelin

The Land Gate and Ravelin | Famagusta The land gate is probably as old a building within the city as the citadel, though the current bridge and gateway entrance are relatively modern. The road now passes through one of the […]
25 October, 2009

The Bedestan

The Bedestan, is to be found immediately adjacent to the Selimiye Mosque and is an amalgamation of two churches. One dedicated to St. Nicholas of the English and the other dedicated to The Virgin Mary. It became the Orthodox Metropolitan […]
26 October, 2009
lus house

The Lusignan House

This is probably the most beautiful of the restored houses in the area adjacent to the Selimiye mosque and it can be found in the street that passes the Haydar Pasha mosque. Dating from the Lusignan period the house has […]