Information About Living In Northern Cyprus

4 November, 2009

Banking and Currency Exchange

Northern Cyprus uses the Turkish Lira (TL) currency. There are many currency exchange offices in all of the major towns, all of which will change Sterling to Turkish Lira. You can also exchange money at one of the many banks […]
5 November, 2009
turkish language

Turkish Language

Turkish is spoken by over 63 million people worldwide, and originates from Ottoman Turkish, which dates back nearly 1,200 years. The Ottoman Turkish language was based mainly on Arabic and Persian, but was replaced under one of Ataturk’s reforms in 1928, […]
5 November, 2009

Crossing the Border

Crossing the border from North Cyprus to South Cyprus and vice versa is very easy due to the opening up of the numerous border points in 2003. People from both sides cross the border on a daily basis for shopping, […]
22 November, 2009

Temperatures and Seasons in North Cyprus

The climate of North Cyprus is typical Mediterranean with very hot dry summers and cooler winters. The average temperature in July and August can reach up to 40 Celsius and in winter months the lowest temperature tends to be around […]
25 October, 2009


Flora | North Cyprus Cyprus is an island which overall has an abundant variety of flora. Concentrating on the North, in excess of a thousand kinds were collected by Dr. Deryck Viney between 1988 and 1993. In 1994 an illustrated […]
29 November, 2009

North Cyprus Cuisine

North Cyprus Cuisine Northern Cyprus offers a large selection of good quality restaurants offering international cuisine to cater for everyones tastes. The main cuisine served in Northern Cyprus is Turkish orientated. There are many local restaurants on the Island that […]