Like many ex-pats I try to escape from Cyprus for some of the hottest weeks of summer and have recently returned from the UK where I spent four blissful weeks soaking up the cool weather. There were some sunny days […]
There are several options for getting to North Cyprus, but by far the easiest and worry free is to book through a reputable and specialist holiday company that will arrange a stay to accommodate all tastes that include, walking, botanical […]
Cyprus is the most eastern of the Mediterranean islands it has a total area of approximately 3,572 square miles, with 486 miles of coastline. North Cyprus covers a total land area of 1,357 square miles, nearly one third of the […]
The Turkish Cypriot people are well known for their hospitality and are very friendly and welcoming. The people are warm natured and will be happy to invite you into their homes for a cup of tea or Turkish coffee and […]
This is a generally light-hearted look at what is essentially a big social and environmental issue. The subject of rubbish strewn across the landscape and dumped in huge landfill sites is a constant topic of conversation among visitors to North […]
Northern Cyprus uses the Turkish Lira (TL) currency. There are many currency exchange offices in all of the major towns, all of which will change Sterling to Turkish Lira. You can also exchange money at one of the many banks […]